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Banned In China

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It Never Stops

It never stops, does it? Tbogg quotes from Malkin's commentators (who I don't think I'll bother to link directly to). There a lot of people who are commenting and/or complaining about "their" taxes being raised, under Obama's proposed budget.

I belong to a writer's group and there is a new member who's husband has been brought into town to run the local sweat shop/place where all the workers are on probation. She has been ranting continuously (and I do mean continuously) that her taxes are about to be raised by Obama. What that would mean, if she knew what she was talking about, was that her husband is making over $250,000.00. Not much of a chance of that if you know what I mean. But if he is, and they can't afford new taxes in their tax bracket then screw them.

The Tbogg/Malkin quotes are just either lies or delusional (perhaps both delusional and lies). The constant whining about raised taxes and how it will hurt the economy is just so much bull shit. During the Eisenhower administration (that well known communist) the marginal tax rate was 90% for the very wealthiest. That period was also one of the most economically expansive in American history. So those arguing against increasing the taxes on the wealthiest simply do not know their history. Of course, it doesn't necessary follow that the high marginal tax was the cause of the economic boom of thee 50s, but that is the type of logic being used by the anti-tax retards and anti-tax t-baggers.

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