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Banned In China

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Progressive Politics

So I read Greenwald's post about how progressives/liberals need to constantly push Obama. How we cannot allow him to become our "cause." Just as conservative allowed Bush to become their cause and got badly burned we will have the same thing happen to us. Read the whole thing......I think it's for more than just political junkies.

But at any rate I started to think about the most progressive/liberal presidents: Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ (domestically). A pretty short list, really. But each of those guys came into office with a long history of independent progressive groups pushing liberal/progressive agendas.

The anti-slavery people for generations before Lincoln, the unions and good government folks for generations before FDR, and the civil rights folks and the remnants of the New Deal coalition for LBJ. They did indeed all push their presidents to the left.

So what do we have? A few years of blog activism?

1 comment:

Gar said...

Sad but true. The GOP was pretty successful in alienating progressives over the last two decades by associating the left with social ills. As long as corporate America fixates on the wealthy, the GOP can continue to promote its agenda on mid-America. We would never have had blogs if the tech revolution had come about from mainstream media, telecommunications companies, or even established software giants like Microsoft, but blogging probably isn't itself established enough to bring about major policy changes.