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Banned In China

Sunday, November 23, 2008

So It's Starting Already

I see that the Big Boys are already gunning for Obama. Of course they aren't going to go directly at him right away. No first they will try to nail those who are close to him and then get closer and closer. So it's safest to start with a Clinton appointee.

So how do the lefties respond? Well I hope that this just is an aberration, but we'll see. So the news media are finding their voices again, just coincidentally after a Democrat is elected. And some of the left seem to think that we have got to go along because we are the more just and morally right. Gag me with a chain saw.

These people are going to be attacking and attacking and attacking and we have to realize that this wouldn't be"independent journalism" in any ration realistic world. This is just an attack by the entrenched powers that be who have blindly supported Bush (and before that attacked Clinton) every chance they had. They will attack anyone who isn't part of their group. As The Daily Howler says: It's the Heathers and junior high all over again.

I don't think that we can say: "Oh, this time they may be right. Next time we will confront them." I don't think that will work. We have to push back now. Unfortunately it involves holding our noses, but hey if that's what we've got to do then that's what we've got to do.

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