I've gotten stuff from various lefty/progressive/liberal blogs asking me to contact my democratic senator telling him that he and the rest of the dems in the Senate should force Lieberman out of his post as chair of his Senate Committee.
Now here is a guy that went to the Republican convention, spoke there, traveled with the Republican presidential candidate, said that the Democratic candidate was not fit for the job and Reid still likes the guy. The Democrats seem to be considering whether to punish him and strip him of his seniority and chairmanship, or not.
It's the "or not" that is bazaar and raises the question of whether the Democrats stand for anything at all..........even covering each others' backs. I mean come on, if they are willing to allow a guy who has done everything he could to destroy their party and their candidate to remain in their caucus -- no matter how much they think they need his vote then they are not capable of being the majority party. When you are in the majority then you are supposed to run things. If you can't then you shouldn't be in the majority. Of course these people haven't been able to take a principled stand in two years why should they now.
I think that it's even money that they will give Lieberman everything he demands and call it a victory. There will be "serious" talking heads explaining why this is the smart thing to do and then Lieberman will screw them to the wall the first chance he gets.
The line "Sometimes you gotta stand for something" is one that apparently no one in the Democratic leadership has ever heard. Or if they've heard it they certainly don't understand it. Nor do they seem to care that they look weak (of course that would only be because they are weak) and that the Republicans and your average voter will have even more contempt for them.
At any rate if these people don't have the back bone it takes to oust Lieberman for both practical and moral reasons without my little missive they won't do it with it.
The point is that Lieberman has generally been on the wrong side of all most all issues he has had to confront. If all the Democrats do is give him what he wants to get his vote (maybe sometimes for some things) then hell. They are as sorry a lot as I think they are.
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