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Banned In China

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Boring Historical Statistical Shit

I am a true geek, I think. Although, not a particularly tech savvy one. I do love statistics. I often find that when I find something that just blows me away and I try to describe it to someone, I see their eyes glaze over and a kind of dead/I want to be some place (any place) else look.

Be that as it may (eh?), just go with it. This post concerning the effect that the New Deal had on unemployment is fascinating. Essentially arguing that the way unemployment was counted before 1940 makes the New Deal look a lot less successful than it really was.

As I think I've said before we appear to be in the middle of a train wreck, as a passenger in one of the rear cars, that could come close to equalling the 30s. The only reason it might not be as bad are the remnants of the New Deal programs that are still in effect. I think it is important to remember that all the people who wanted to be president this time wanted to gut these protections (to a greater or lesser extent) even more then has already been done.

We must never forget that that great radical Clinton helped this crisis along by agreeing in the final repeal of what was left of Glass Stengall . Who'd a thunk that people would not evolved past the self defeating greed of the 20s? What a shock.

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